Md Khairul Islam Ratul

Dhaka, Bangladesh |

A passionate electrical engineering graduate with a robust interest in both hardware and software, who possesses a solid foundation in circuit design and programming with proficiency in languages such as C++ and Python as well as expertise in microcontrollers and FPGA design.


Physical Design of 3 Cycle Nonpipeline Harvard Structure Microcontroller

The design contains 34 fractional cells (placed: 23,591).

Layout versus Schematic of Low-Power High-Speed Robust Supply-Gated-Sleep 6T SRAM Cell

Presented three types of 6T SRAM cells: conventional 6T SRAM, existing 6T SRAM, and proposed 6T SRAM.


A RPS (Rock Paper Scissors) Game with HMAC (Hash-Based Message Authentication Code).


A Python code to detect objects listed in 'coco.names'. The OpenCV library was utilized to locate instances of these objects in images or videos.

Collection Management App

A ruby on rails application where authenticated users can create collections and also items under collections. This is the final project for my Ruby internship at


Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
 December, 2022

St. Joseph Higher Secondary School

HSC (12th Grade), Science

Monipur High School & College

SSC (10th Grade), Science


Computer Languages

Python, Bash, Ruby, C, C++, Verilog HDL and SystemVerilog HDVL.


Cadence (Virtuoso, Genus & Encounter), LTspice, VsCode, OrCAD PSpice, Simulink, Proteus and Intel Quartus Prime.


Microsoft: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Google: Sheets, Docs, Forms.

Operating Systems

Linux and Windows.


VLSI, Programming, Quantum Computing, Hardware Security